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Lab Technician Spraying Plants

The Science portion of the project will focus on learing about the scientific method, the process of carbon extracion by trees and which type of vegetation is most efficient at extracting carbon from the atmoshere. The science behind forestation. Not all trees are created equal, hence they will definetley not absorb carbon at the same rate. Choosing the most efficient crop is the key to maximize the effort of removing carbon from the atmosphere and should be a key focus when designing forestation projects. As a final product students will present a proposal for a corbon absorption forestation project to a country from the December 2021 COP26 conference.

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Learning Objective 1: Scientific Method


Learning activities:

  • Class Discussion

  • Sensory Activity

  • Class Writing Task

21st Century Skill:

  • Problem Solving

  • Critical Thinking

  • Cross-Disciplinary themes

  • ​

Teacher Presentation:

Scientific Method – The Basis of Problem Solving


Merriam-Webster defines the scientific method as follows:

“Principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.”



Why is it important? Relevance to everyday life:

It’s vital for students to have practical knowledge of the scientific method because it’s the foundation of all scientific discoveries and science classes. It’s also the standard for how professional scientists conduct their research and resolve problems. Just as importantly, the scientific method enables students to solve problems on their own and understand their surroundings better.


Sensory Activity

Objective: To reinforce verbal and visual explanations of the scientific method.

  • Tactile Boxes cut a hole in one end that’s big enough for a hand to fit through, put an item or two in the box, and secure the lid. Have the student put their hand in the box and ask them what they think it contains. Better yet, have them draw what they think is in there and write a description of it.













Class Writing Task

Show examples of a simple real-life conclusion and ‘reverse engineer’

back to the question. In this example Billy got a pet dog. Ask the class:

How did Billy arrive at that decission?


scientific mehtod.jpg
hot to chose a pet - scientific method.jpg

Learning Objective 2: Photosynthesis and the process of removing carbon from the Atmosphere.


Learning activities:

  • Small Group Discussion

  • Individual writing task

  • Prior Knowledge build up

  • Scavenger Hunt

  • Reflection

21st Century Skill:

  • Problem Solving

  • Critical Thinking

  • Collaboration

  • Creaitivty

  • Cross-Disciplinary Themes

Teacher Presentation:  

  • NOAA video Graph

Small Group Discussion:

  • Dangers of Carbon Concentration in the atmosphere

  • What is the message?

Individual Writing Task

  • Reflection on the relevance between you and the carbon concentration in the atmosphere

Teacher Presentation:

  • Carbon Capture Video

  • Photosynthesis video:



Research + Scavenger hunt+ Reflection

  • Research for type of plants that best absorb CO2

    • Search for these plants around school or in your home.

      • Report back next class with a Reflection on why do you think you have them in your home and/or at school?


Learning Objective 3: What is the best type of vegetation for Carbon Extraction from the Atmosphere?


Learning activities:

  • Analysis of scientific research

  • Class Discussion

  • Build on prior knowledge and connections made

  • Use of digital tool to create student led presentation

21st Century Skill:

  • Problem Solving

  • Critical Thinking

  • Synthesizing information

Teacher Presentation:

Scientific Study of the functional diversity effects on productivity increase with age in a forest biodiversity experiment.

Class Discussion:

  • Key points:

    • Same tree crop vs Diverse Forest

      • Functional Composition Impact

  • Length of time allowed for trees to grow.

    • 5 year crops vs 10 year crops

      • Relationship between growth and Carbon Absorption

Research Topics SEAM Project Specific

  • Who is planting trees for carbon absorption?

  • What trees are they planting?

Final Product: Students will present a proposal for a corbon absorption forestation project to a country from the December 2021 COP26 conference.


Teacher Evaluation Rubric:

Presentation must include:

o   Selected COP 26 country carbon concentration information with graphs and explanations – 20%

o   Analysis of the selected type of trees to plant. Information about each type of tree’s carbon absorption rate during the growth cycle must be included along with any pertinent information for the planting and long-term care of the crop. – 40%

o   Depiction of the Plantation – 20%

§  Sketch, 3D model, collage, mockup – Get Creative!

o   Proposal: 20%

§  Clearly identify:

·         The problem your project solves

·         How your project solves the problem

·         Your project's intended impact


Peer Evaluation Rubric:

o   Selected COP 26 country carbon concentration information– 20%

§  Does it name a country and its carbon concentration output?

o   Analysis of the selected type of trees to plant. – 40%

§  Does it have specific information about the type of plants needed for the project?

o   Depiction of the Plantation – 20%

§  Is there an illustration or depiction of the project?

o   Proposal: -20%

§  Are you sold on the proposal?

·         Yes

·         No


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