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Inspired by the Elon Musk Carbon Capture project, students will design a machine that will capture CO2 emissions to clean our air.


Today, a carbon neutral goal is good but not enough for our planet. When it comes to CO2 emissions, we need to think about carbon removal technics.


“Trees make a significant contribution to converting CO2 into oxygen, sure, and planting more trees is always a good thing. But trees alone cannot keep up with the amount of carbon we are producing. We need trees, but we also need a big, new, radical piece of innovation”. (XPrize, Jan 22 2021).


Learning objective


The goal of this project is for Grade 9 students to gain a deeper understanding of the problem of CO2 emissions in relations to Global Warming, by designing a machine whose purpose will be to remove, reduce or recycle CO2 emissions.


Students will learn and apply the design process cycle:  they will identify the problem, consider what skills are needed, create solutions, and reflect on the progress made. Ultimately, the criteria of success will not be the creation of a perfect product, but rather a growing understanding of creativity and design.


In order to achieve that, students will research design methods used by engineers in order to provide such solution. Students will then draw a mock-up of the machine and finally model it in 3D. They will present their creations at the end of the module in a blog.


21 Century Skills for this project


Students will use their creativity, problem solving skills and collaboration skills to design and build a machine which should be able to absorb or reduce the CO2 emissions in the air:


Collaboration skills: Students will be working in groups of 3 and collaborate with their ideas, technical knowledge, design skills and presentation skills, and come up with one machine for the team. Peer review will also encourage collaboration. 


Problem solving skills: Students will have to use problem solving skills to find a creative way for a solution to this global issue.


Creativity: Students will have to show creativity in designing a new machine or ameliorate an existing one. They will have to show creativity in the mock up of their design.

Communication skills: Each group will have to present their final product at the end of the project through a blog. They will have to lay out in a comprehensive manner their design cycle process and final product.


Technology skills: Students will have to prove their technological skills and knowledge by using multiple tech tools to create a 3D version of their machine and communicate in a blog their findings.


Project description


Phase 1 - Introduction


  1. Introduce the subject by showing the Carbon Capture video

  2. Group the students per team of 3.

  3. Share and discuss the engineering design process.  











Phase 2 - Research & Brainstorming


Groups to research technologies and engineering technics that would support the project and allow the machine to serve its goal of absorbing, collecting or recycling CO2 emissions.


Phase 3 - Ideation


Use mind map tool to present research, ideas and layout the design cycle of the machine as well as its functioning.


Phase 4 - Design


On SketchUP, create a mock-up of the machine you propose.


Phase 5 - Peer Analysis


Teams to share their mock-up and do peer reviews.


Peer review document for assessment : 



Phase 6 - Rework and 3D development


Based on the peer review and feedbacks, review the initial work and finalize the project by creating a 3D representation of the machine.


Phase 7 - Final project and requirements


Journal the team’s reflection of the design cycle on your blog and respond to the following questions:

  1. What inspired your project of machine? (i.e. natural element, existing technology, other machine repurposed)

  2. What challenges did your team face during the design cycle?

  3. How did you overcome these challenges?


The blog should include the 3D version of your machine presented in a video, the mock up, your individual and team reflections and your team members names.



This project should take 6 weeks to complete. 

For teacher evaluation and assessment, follow this link: 



Design process image: California Institute of Technology. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.


David Kofoed Wind. (August 18, 2020). Encourage Better Peer Feedback with Our Guide to Feedback Rubrics. Eduflow.


Developed by Mareva Freites Lecerf

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