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“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” – First Nations Proverb

Climate change is one of the biggest topics currently being discussed globally. The United Nations created a body called Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) whose main aim is to assess the science related to climate change. The IPCC determined that one of the biggest factors contributing to climate change is Carbon emissions, more specifically Carbon Dioxide (CO2). CO2 emissions have increased by about 90% in the last 50 years. 

Governments across the world are committed to turning this statistic around by imposing taxes on carbon emissions. Private companies have bought into the key index and have joined the train with the main goal of reducing carbon emissions. Individuals are becoming more and more aware of this issue and are choosing to pursue a more environmentally friendly lifestyle by making mindful decisions to help reduce Carbon emissions.


The issue that has been spoken about in more recent days is that people are not made aware of the wide variety of factors contributing to the release of CO2. Furthermore they are not made aware of the affect this will have on the climate and the coming generations. It is therefore important that people are made aware of the topic and to promote a greener environment for all.


Learning Objective

Students will analyze  and research information on how CO2 emissions can be reduced individually by making changes in your everyday life. The students will work in groups of 3 and collaborate with one another to discuss current marketing strategies, what work in these marketing strategies and what they will change for their own marketing campaign. 


The goal is to raise awareness about global warming, how you can reduce your own Carbon footprint, how to create a marketing campaign, and how to make people aware of their own carbon footprint in a creative way.


21st Century Skills for Project

  • Problem Solving​​ - Students work in groups to discuss ways to increase awareness in their target audience about the Carbon footprint and designing a marketing campaign to get those ideas across.

  • Critical Thinking - Looking at current marketing campaigns and doing research of ways to reduce your Carbon footprint and collaborating to see how the current marketing strategies can been improved and how to reach your target audience. There is a wide variety of things that can be done to decrease your Carbon footprint. What would be most possible for your target audience.

  • Collaboration & Communication - Students will work in groups of 3 to design a marketing campaign and to showcase their goal, thought process, and how they will execute their campaign in their final presentation to their peers, teachers, and the wider community.

  • Creativity & Innovation - Students are challenged to think of creative ways to reach their target audience and to make impactful changes in the community to encourage people to make changes and reduce their Carbon footprint.


Project Description

Start by asking your students to complete the Carbon Footprint Calculator. This is a good resource to use to show students in an impactful way how we are all responsible to make changes to reduce CO2 emissions.


After this provide your students with the following scenario:

Imagine you are working on a marketing campaign for the IPCC. The goal of the campaign is to make people in your community aware of the impact of carbon emissions on global warming & what you can do to decrease your carbon footprint. Guide the students to think of practical ways to minimalize their own carbon footprint and also convince their community to do the same.



  1. Work in groups of 3 to research current strategies that people are implementing in their everyday lives to minimalize their carbon footprint.

  2. Have students discuss in their groups what they feel are practical ways that can be implemented in everyday life to decrease carbon emissions. Ask them to make a list by ranking their findings according to practicality. They will need to think critically on what is easily implemented in everyday life and what would be more difficult.

  3. Once they have decided on their list (up to 10 ways), they should then choose a marketing platform of their choice to create a marketing campaign to increase awareness in their community.


Marketing campaign considerations that students should keep in mind:

  • Research current marketing strategies that are being implemented to increase awareness about Carbon footprint.

    • Look at things that you can keep in mind for your own campaign and think critically about what you would change or do differently in your campaign.​

  • Who is your target audience?

    • Are the 10 factors you chose for your list in line with your audience?​

  • What platform would be the best way to reach your audience?​​

    • Social media / Newspaper / Billboard / Advertisement (radio / tv) / App / Fundraiser​

  • Timing to push out your marketing campaign


Final Product:

In their groups, students will have to design their marketing campaign and create a presentation where they explain how they will reach their target audience and why they believe that their campaign will work and make a difference in their community.


The presentation should consist of the following:

  • Their goal

  • The target audience (and why)

  • 10 ways that their target audience can decrease their carbon footprint

  • A final design layout of how the marketing campaign will be executed. 

    • For example, if they chose social media the marketing campaign could be 10 images that focus on each way they believe their target audience can decrease their carbon footprint. They can then design 10 images / short videos that can be posted in their campaign and discuss how they will post the content over a period of time (what time, and how often).


Students will get the opportunity to review other groups when they do their final presentations to the class and/or community.










Created by Michelle Ehlers

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